
The highway cargo transportation system of the Argentine Republic is made up of a vast and complex set of highway transportation companies, with a diversity of services and heterogeneity of components.

In this context, we are an Automotive Transport company of massive or bulk cargo, dangerous cargo, fractional cargo, food substances, special traffic of indivisible cargo and transport engineering, with more than 55 years of experience in the National field.

As Freight Transport Agent, we operate in long-distance interjurisdictional dry cargo traffic (point-to-point or partial) and short-distance unloading along the route (urban distribution), maintaining contracts in various economic areas such as the fruit and vegetable sector, mining and forestry-timber exploitation, supplies for construction, shipbuilding, petrochemical and steel industries, among others.

In addition, we participate in the mixed commission of the Sector Industrial Planificado de Almirante Brown (SIPAB) and we are associated with the Cámara Argentina de Transporte Automotor de Mercancías y residuos Peligrosos (CATAMP), which is part of the Federacion Argentina de Entidades Empresarias del Autotransporte de Cargas (FADEEAC ).


Provide a scale of solutions aimed at providing a safe, convenient, economical and sustainable movement of raw materials, production resources and final products, which is highly functional to the various sectors of the national economy.

Stand out as solid benchmarks in the application of technological and scientific principles to the planning, design, operation and administration of facilities in road freight transport.


Effectiveness, honesty and transparency.